Why do I volunteer at St. Elizabeth’s Essentials Pantry? A testimonial by Martha Parshley


Written by Martha Parshley, A St. Luke’s Parishioner and a St. Elizabeth’s Volunteer

I have been volunteering at St. E’s since I retired. That makes it ten years now. Highlighting the Pantry for St. Luke’s has made me think about why I have been so committed to this service. What keeps me coming back. I think the core of it is people. People who have been through unimaginably hard times and still had the tenacity and energy to make it to Portland, Maine from half way around the world. Volunteering at St. E‘s is the least I can do to help them. The people I meet from other churches. Fellow Episcopalians who may be dealing with trials of their own yet show up faithfully on Tuesday morning. I love seeing those neighbors I remember from when I first started at the Pantry now employed out in the world. I’m so happy to hear how their grown children are making their own way. At a recent Board meeting we were asked why we volunteer at St. Elizabeth’s. Here are some of the responses: It is an antidote to what is happening in the world… Being with like-minded people…Love seeing familiar faces…Living out our Baptismal promises…Reaching out into the community. This is my favorite: Seeing the satisfaction of the neighbors is reason enough for coming on Tuesday. Seeing other volunteers, now friends, is special.
If you’d like more information, please check out our website at www.StElizabeths.org.