Stewardship & Giving
Stewardship 2025: Walk in Love

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5: 1-2, NRSV
This year, our stewardship theme invites us to journey together in faith, unity, and purpose. Inspired by Ephesians 5:1-2, we are called to imitate God's love in our lives and our community. As we navigate our path forward, including our ongoing process of conflict transformation, walking in love reminds us that our faith journey is not solitary but shared. It challenges us to align our actions with our values, to support one another in times of need, and to be open to the transformative power of God's love. Through our stewardship, we have the opportunity to tangibly express this love - whether through our time, talents, or resources.
Ways to Give
Accessing Your Realm Profile

The Cathedral’s new online database, Realm, is a useful tool for parishioners to manage their contact and pledging information.Realm helps our community by improving our record keeping in a more streamlined fashion.
When joining Realm you can sign-up to be a part of the online directory in the database.
Please note that in order to log in to Realm, you must first activate your profile, which ensures that the database can have an additional level of security for all.
To activate your Realm profile please contact St. Luke's Bookkeepr Wendy Kopera.
Please click here to contact Wendy who will assist you with the few steps necessary to access your profile.
Our mission is to put our Faith in Action through our social and community outreach programs. Your donation will help support such programs as the St. Luke’s Food Pantry, our Haiti-Maine Partnership ministry, and other outreach programs at the cathedral. Your generosity allows our work in the diocese, the greater Portland area, and the world to continue.
Thank you for considering a donation to the Cathedral Church of St. Luke. We give thanks for all that God has given us.
Below is a list of ways to contribute or make your pledge to St Luke’s. Whatever method you choose, we thank you and appreciate your support. If you have any questions, please call the church at (207) 772-5434 and speak with the Treasurer.
Planned Giving
Estate planning, tax issues, and other end-of-life decisions seem so daunting to so many people that fully 60 percent of Americans die without making a will. We are constantly reminded that each of us needs to plan for our future well-being, and for our heirs.
To help parishioners of Saint Luke’s navigate these complicated issues, our Stewardship Committee has prepared this introductory explanation, intended to provide you with some basic information on Wills, Trusts, and other estate planning tools with St. Luke’s in mind, if that is your desire.
At St. Luke's there are financial planners who would be happy to meet with you personally or at least provide you with a framework to consider planned giving. Please contact our office at (207) 772-5434 or email our office administrator for a referral, all in strict confidence. Thank you.