United Thank Offering Ingathering

We hope that those who participated in the United Thank Offering (UTO) during the period of Lent found the focus of gratitude to be uplifting. It is now time to bring the UTO blue boxes into St. Luke’s so that we can forward your contributions to UTO.

Consider counting your coins and putting a check into the UTO box in place of the coins. Be sure to mark the memo line with “UTO” to ensure the donation goes into the correct fund. Of course, you can also just turn your blue box, coins and all.

For those who would like to support UTO but didn’t use the blue box during Lent, it’s not too late to write a check to St. Luke’s with “UTO” in the memo line.

During this season of Easter, let us continue to celebrate our gratitude in our collective lives at St. Luke’s.

~ Peace, Deacon Rebecca