Living Stones Capital Campaign, Final Report Fall 2022

September 2022

The Cathedral Church of St. Luke LIVING STONES Capital Campaign

Final Report Fall 2022

The Cathedral’s LIVING STONES Capital Campaign officially wrapped up on December 31st ., 2020, after an amazing five-plus years. We are so grateful to everyone who made very generous donations to the Campaign, as well as to those who over the years have helped with the work. A few pledges are still coming in, but this Fall we will be dedicating a plaque to record the names of all those who donated to the campaign, and we did want to take this opportunity of providing an official report to record the phenomenal success of the campaign

LIVING STONES raised a total of $1,613,267 and so we easily exceeded our initial goal of $1.5 million. The total raised included the sale of St. Luke’s Deanery on State Street, which contributed $445,000. Individual contributors donated well over $1,100,000. to the
campaign which is a remarkable figure. In addition there were some generous gifts from other Episcopal churches in Maine and from the Diocese of Maine, and a grant was received from the Morton-Kelly Charitable Foundation. Thank you! A plaque honoring our donors will be dedicated in the near future. Watch the E-pistle for details.

THE MONEY WAS SPENT as follows (in descending order):

$956,000 was spent on repairing the fabric of the Cathedral sanctuary, most notably the complete reconstruction of the Rose Window. There were extensive repairs to the masonry on the East wall of the sanctuary as well as elsewhere in the building. The opportunity was also taken to do some roof repairs, to demolish a no-longer-required chimney, and to paint the
fleche on top of the roof.

$286,000 was spent on completely rebuilding and re-equipping the kitchen with new appliances.

$100,000 was donated to Camp Bishopswood to fulfill our commitment to “give beyond ourselves.”

$50,000 was spent on repairs to and resurfacing of the Park Street parking lot.

$35,000 was spent on restoring the two lancet windows, on either side of the reredos behind the altar, financed in part by the Morton-Kelly Charitable Foundation grant.

$29,000 was spent on numerous repairs and refurbishments in the parish house and undercroft including the choir room, flooring in the church school & food pantry areas, rewiring etc. Notably, much of this work was performed by volunteers from the Building & Grounds Committee and other members of the Cathedral community and we are so very grateful to all of them!

$22,000 was spent on new cushions for the pews.

And finally, $79,000 (0.5% of the money raised) was spent on campaign expenses and administration (the bulk of which was paid to CCS, our very efficient and helpful campaign consultants).

STILL TO BE DONE We currently have nearly $30,000 in hand, and the Vestry and the Building & Grounds Committee will be working on ways in which this money could best be spent. There are a number of projects which were mentioned in the original campaign documents which are yet to be accomplished.

Again, we are so very grateful to all who so generously contributed to the LIVING STONES Capital Campaign. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Claire Hammen & John Watson