A Background of Worship at St. Luke's
St. Luke’s Cathedral welcomes all people to share in the Episcopal Church’s mission to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Jesus Christ.
We are a community of faith that combines ancient worship and modern thought with catholic traditions and progressive theology. Our Biblical perspective is centered on respect for reason, science, diversity of perspective, compassion, and care for the wider community and one another. Our attitudes and beliefs are modeled on the Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed. This means that we are committed to including and welcoming all who seek the Kingdom of God that Jesus proclaimed.
Whomever you are, and wherever you may be in your journey through life, we welcome you! We offer a safe, open, and affirming environment for everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or where you might be on your journey of faith. Learn more about the Episcopal Church and what Episcopalians believe here.
Worship is time spent giving honor and praise to God. It is the primary work of the church. Worship feeds us so that we can feed others. It is time that reminds us of who we are, and who we are called to be. It is a time for healing and wholeness, a time for solace and quiet, and a time for communion with others and with God. St. Luke’s offers a wide variety of worship opportunities: some more formal, some more casual; some filled with music and activity, and some more quiet and contemplative.
The word “worship” is a combination of the English words “worth-ship” which means assigning worth and honor. The word “liturgy” is a combination of the Greek words “laos” (people) + “ergon” (work). Using the richness of our Anglican tradition, our worship is both ancient and modern, grounded in the past yet informed by the future. Our sacraments, our doors, and our hearts are truly open to all. We invite and encourage you to join us in one of the many opportunities for worship here at St. Luke’s.