St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center
St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center a non-barrier Essentials Pantry located at St. Luke’s Cathedral is a diocesan ministry project which seeks to provide basic daily essentials to those living in need in the greater Portland, Maine area.
The Essentials Pantry continues to serve 250+ neighbors every Tuesday morning from 8:30 to 11 am. Essential items include toilet paper, laundry detergent, bath soap, etc. Each week, a unique item is offered. In addition, dental care products, diapers, soft housewares, and hard housewares are provided monthly.
Congregations support St. E’s financially, with volunteers, and by donating both new and used items. Each Tuesday, volunteers serve the public directly, sort donated items, and pack new items for distribution, among other things. To learn more about volunteering, please email Martha Parshley.
In-kind donations can be left in the blue St. Elizabeth donation box in the lower hall, next to the stairs. Additionally, you may donate to the St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center online.