Healing Team

The Healing Team is available every Sunday in All Saints Chapel after communion. A team of two are present to create a safe, confidential, supportive space in which to pray for peace, healing and comfort for oneself or another through God’s love. Each person will be asked if they would like for the team to lay hands on their shoulders and anoint their forehead with oil, then the team will recite a brief liturgy along with an “extemporaneous” prayer specific to the request.

A few reflections from our meetings and experiences – we are honored that those requesting healing prayers are frequently members, and just as frequently people coming to the Healing Team for the first time, or coming to St. Luke’s for the first time. We are honored that when someone comes for prayers, others see them and hold them in their hearts. We are honored that as two individuals, we are trusted with personal and spiritual needs, thanksgivings, and questions. Healing is a two way street; listening, caring, and responding as people also on spiritual journeys, we are grateful for God’s presence in our ministry.

To inquire about the Healing Team please contact Sara Schmalz or Judd Hume.

The Altar Guild

The Altar guild is a volunteer group whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the church. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterwards. They have four teams and each team is responsible for one weekend of service.

The Altar Guild is also responsible for other liturgical events such as weddings, funerals, and Holy Week.

Guild members participate in the church service by carrying up the sacraments for communion to the altar.



Duties include the following:

At the Eucharist:

  • Putting out the necessary vessels: wine, water, chalices
  • Placing the communion wafers and the priest’s wafer on the paten
  • Assembling the Eucharistic ensemble
    After the service, collecting all the vessels, linens, candles, and other items and Returning them to the sacristy


  • Placing the appropriate linens on the altars
  • Putting linens on the tables at the rear of the sanctuary
  • Placing linens on the credence tables
  • Laundering used linens


  • Replacing individual votive candles
  • Filling the altar candles with oil

We are always looking for members to join our team! If you are interested in learning more please contact Rita Siavelis or Kate Leschey

We invite you to shadow a team for a weekend and see how wonderful it is to be one of God’s housekeepers. 

This Guild prayer summarizes our work. Almighty God, grant we beseech Thee, that we may handle Holy Things with reverence, and perform our work with such faithfulness and devotion that it may rise with acceptance before Thee and obtain Thy blessing; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The Flower Guild

The St. Luke's Flower Guild prepare weekly flower compositions that reflect the beauty and serenity of St. Luke’s Cathedral.

The Flower Guild works with care to create special arrangements for  individuals who request flowers in memory of, or in honor of loved ones, and in celebration of births, baptisms, birthdays and anniversaries, as well as memorial and funeral services.

Many of the flowers and greens which are used in cathedral arrangements are sourced locally and field picked, or shared by parish members.

Members of the flower guild also are instrumental in helping to green the cathedral for the Christmas Season, and to put together magnificent arrangements for Easter Day.

If you would like to share the joy of creating flower arrangements for the Glory of God and the beautification of St. Luke’s Cathedral, we would love to welcome you as new Flower Guild members.

To inquire about participating in the flower guild, please contact Kathy Watt or Mary Doughty.

The Kneeler Guild


Each week the St. Luke's Kneeler Guild and Prayer Shawl Knitters gather in the upper hall for a time of community and fellowship while prayerfully creating kneelers and shawls to comfort members of the community. 

We remain steadfast with our goal of seeking 15 new parishes to create kneelers for within the Diocese.

We meet every Tuesday 2:30–4:30PM in the Upper Hall. Everyone is welcome, whether you are curious or want to begin. Kneeler kits cost $75, which include directions, yarn, needles & canvas. Novices are welcome; we will teach you as needed. Prayer Shawls: 20” x 60”; select your yarn & needles. Coffee & tea are available.

To inquire about the Kneeler Guild please contact Jeri Edgar or Nancy Mawhinney

To inquire about our Prayer Shawl Ministry, please contact Allison Dale.



Each service our lectors contribute to our liturgy by leading our readings and Prayers of the People. They do so each Sunday, during Holy Days, and on Holidays. This ministry offers a way to participate by reading scripture during worship services. 

If you would like to learn more about how to participate as a member of our lector team, please contact Susan McCuller for more information.




Each service our ushers help to welcome members of the congregation, newcomers, and visitors to the cathedral for worship. 

Our usher team helps to distribute service leaflets, provide directions around the building, and present the gifts during our offertory.

Our usher team welcomes new members to participate. With any questions please contact Anna Messmer. 




Each service our vergers help to lead processions during our services, guide readers and prayers leaders to the lectern, and support clergy throughout the course of the service. Vergers help to ensure that the order of service is properly observed by helping to guide all participants. 

Serving as a verger may include the following roles:

-Crucifer (Carrying the cross)

-Thurifer (Incense)

-Carrying a Banner

-Carrying a Torch

-Carrying a streamer

With inquiries about the cathedral vergers, please contact Head Verger, Eleanor Roberts.