The Labyrinth at St. Luke's Cathedral

The labyrinth is a prayerful pilgrimage into the center— our own centers and the heart of God. Labyrinths have existed since ancient times in such diverse cultures as the Native American Tohono O’odham people, Tantric Buddhists and ancient Greece. It was popularized in Christian Europe during the Middle Ages when the Crusades interfered with pilgrimages to the Holy Land. The Labyrinth at Saint Luke’s has been fashioned after that at Chartres and is offered for you.
There are many ways to walk the labyrinth. You may walk with an intention such as meditating on a scripture, word or phrase, praying, or seeking wisdom on a particular question or issue in your life. Many
people walk the labyrinth as a way to ground their spirituality and become more aware of the gift of Creation. You may also walk the labyrinth with no intention beyond staying open to what the Spirit
offers during your walk.
When you reach the heart of the labyrinth you may remain as long as you wish. You may want to make a circuit of the six stone circles at the center allow God to align your energy centers, to pray for particular people in your life, or to offer a lovingkindness prayer for your family, your friends, your associates, your enemies, the whole world and yourself. Or, if you are walking to deepen your connection with nature and the earth, you might consider using a prayer like the one on the back of this page to honor the seven days of creation.
However you choose to walk the labyrinth, may it be for you a sacred experience .
To read 'A Labyrinth Prayer for the Gift of Creation' please visit the link here.